Toby Lasserson

Toby Lasserson

Deputy Editor in Chief, Cochrane Library

T: @tlassers

Toby has been Deputy Editor in Chief of The Cochrane Library since September 2019. He works closely with the Editor in Chief, Karla Soares-Weiser, to deliver the objectives and targets of the Cochrane's Editorial and Methods Department. Toby has been involved in Cochrane since 1999, when he worked in the Cochrane Airways Group. He has since delivered training to Cochrane authors, and been involved in the development of MECIR standards as well as PRISMA extensions for Harms, Abstracts, Individual Participant Data and Protocols. He initiated the review screening programme in 2013, and he now leads review production operations, supporting the delivery of high-quality, relevant, up-to-date systematic reviews and other synthesized research evidence that informs health decision-making around the world. Toby works closely with and supports the Cochrane Review Group Networks. He provides input on centrally coordinated dissemination activity of reviews.

Toby spoke at 'Virtually Cochrane', a virtual event we co-hosted with Cochrane Ireland in April 2021. Watch the recordings:

  1. Cochrane’s Plain Language Summary Project: what have we learnt so far? 

  2. Collaboration, NICEly done