There is only one week left to book onto the following YHEC training course at The University of York:
Economic Evaluations and Economic Evidence in Healthcare, 17th September 2015 (book online)
Health economics evidence is a key element in much health services research and particularly in health technology assessments. Identifying economic evidence to inform such research can involve searches in a range of databases and using a variety of strategies. This study day will include a ‘jargon buster’ session on the basics of health economics and economic models. It will also feature presentations about key economics information resources including the CEA Registry, and explorations of options for searching to identify data for economic models. With the closure (to new records) of key economic evaluation databases (NHS EED and HEED) we will be focusing on how to identify economic evaluations from major bibliographic databases. There will be opportunities for hands-on practice.
Who should attend?
This study day would be of interest to librarians, information professionals and researchers seeking more insight into the sources of health economics information and its uses.
Please feel free to contact me for further details on this training course, or to discuss tailor-made options for your workplace.
Find out more about YHEC training courses.
Kind regards,
Alicia Wooding
Training Co-ordinator, York Health Economics Consortium (YHEC)