Cochrane Tumblr: sharing Cochrane evidence on a microblogging platform

This blog originally appeared on Cochrane Community

Jack Leahy is an Engagement Officer with Cochrane UK. Jack curates the new Cochrane Tumblr account, where the popular Cochrane blogshot are shared. These blogshots summarize a Cochrane Review with a visual and are easy to share and consume on social media – a perfect fit for the microblogging platform that is Tumblr!

If you follow any of the Cochrane social media accounts, you will by now no doubt have noticed the growing success of our ‘blogshots’ which began as an initiative of Cochrane UK.  Blogshots are simple infographics that deliver key messages of a Cochrane review in a clear, consistent way and are perfect for sharing on social media.

There are now over 170 blogshots from Cochrane UK and an increasing number are being produced by other Cochrane groups. Blogshots have also been a popular way of sharing Cochrane evidence in other languages. Several of our translation teams have seen an increase in social media followers after sharing blogshots. Read more about Cochrane Iberoamérica’s experience here. This is why we have launched a new Cochrane blogshot archive, hosted on Tumblr, to ensure access for both Cochrane groups and the public.

How to use Tumblr

Check out the new blogshot archive on Tumblr here!

The blogshots are filtered by review group, series, and language if it has been translated. Just click on the categories and browse what is available! Each blogshot also has the review name, CD number, and URL to the Review or Plain Language Summery in the description. You can search the titles and CD numbers with the search function at the bottom of the categories.

Cohrane Tumblr screenshot

If you see a blogshot you are interested in sharing, just right click the image to save it. The hyperlink to share with the blogshot on social media is included in the description.

How to contribute

If you have a review that you want to make a Blogshot for, you can! We have templates and lots of guidance on doing this. You can read more about creating your own blogshots here.

Once you have a blogshot created, save it with name of the review and the CD number. Send the title, URL, and Review group with the blogshot image, the picture used, and the Powerpoint file (our translators may be interested in translating it!) attached to Muriah Umoquit. We’ll upload the new blogshot, tag it with the appropriate categories, and share with the masses!

Blogshots have received a lot of attention on social media –lots of shares and new people being exposed to Cochrane and evidence-based health care. Take a minute and browse through the new Tumblr account…I’m sure you’ll see something you’ll want to share further!

Jack Leahy
Cochrane UK

Related Resources:
Cochrane Tumblr
Blogshots – making evidence short and shareable for social media
Cochrane Translations: Cochrane Iberoamerica on translating blogshots
Cochrane Community Templates

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