Who we are
Cochrane trainees are a group of doctors and dentists in training from across the United Kingdom and Ireland in different areas of medicine and dentistry who each enjoy and engage with evidence-based practice. We aim to inspire, inform and empower trainees to understand, use and create the best evidence in their clinical practice throughout the UK.
How are we going to do it?
Through our webpage and social media channels we are going to engage directly with trainees (. The webpage has recently undergone a revamp to allow easier access to all our content to help educate and up-skill in evidence-based medicine. Our social media foot print is also going to spread with regular posts and discussions on all things about evidence-based practice! Come back regularly for the latest news, content, tools and follow us on twitter (@CochraneUK, #Cochranetrainees).
Our First Podcast: An interview with Sir Iain Chalmers
We’re very proud to let you know about our first podcast, which will be released on Monday 5th December, featuring Sir Iain Chalmers, one of the founders of the Cochrane Collaboration, talking to Dr Anna Sutherland about why evidence based medicine is so important, how Cochrane all started, and how the evidence Iain produced impacted on Anna’s care when she herself was a patient.
We’ll be following up the podcast with a live tweetchat. Join the discussion on Monday 12th December 7-8pm @CochraneUK and using #Cochranetrainees.
Every two weeks one of the committee will be posting on the @CochraneUK account using the #Cochranetrainees hashtag with regular posts on evidence-based practice particular to their experience and area of interest. There will be a wide range of discussions and information being posted to inspire and engage trainees with evidence-based practice.
Twitter Journal Clubs
This will be a planned regular chat around relevant topics where we hope to bring trainees together online to discuss and appraise the evidence to get the most value of it. We hope to produce a lively platform for inspiring people from all professions to improve their understanding of evidence-based practice.
In addition, we’ll be holding tweetchats on important topics and getting involved in twitter journal clubs.
Members of the committee are currently developing exciting new content to explain evidence based medicine, from the very basics up to complicated statistics. These will include infographics, blog posts/articles and further podcasts.
Sign up for our email newsletter, updating you on the latest and upcoming content, resources and events, from us and the wider web. Sign up here.
We hope these resources will prove useful to all trainees, so please make sure your colleagues know about us!