Evidence collection - #StopThePressure

November is #StopThePressure month, which aims to raise awareness of pressure ulcers and help find ways to treat and prevent them. We have created this collection of relevant Cochrane evidence for you. Please share these resources on social media using #StopThePressure and if you are a nurse, #EENursing


Treating pressure ulcers: new evidence, continued uncertainty

Pressure ulcers: evidence and uncertainty

Nurses under pressure: do risk assessment tools help prevent pressure ulcers?

Antibiotics and antiseptics for wounds: evidence and ignorance


Our blogshots of Cochrane evidence on pressure ulcers can be found here in our archive.


Pressure Ulcers - What about the evidence?

November 17th is Stop Pressure Ulcer Day and we are holding a tweetchat jointly with @WeNurses and led by our Knowledge Broker @SarahChapman30.

Join in on twitter using #WeNurses

Click here for the full details